I’m Janet Quinlan, a Catholic life coach, and I help women have strong, connected marriages and teach them how to parent so they love being a mom!

“The MIL / DIL Dynamic Course”
Are you ready to have a better relationship with your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law?
“The Faith & Family Project”
is a monthly teaching and coaching program to help you live a more connected life of faith and create the family life you always dreamed of.

Ready to find solutions to your parenting issues?
“Virtue-Based Parenting Course” has the answers!
Click Image Below for Free Resources!

Client Testimonials
“I am so grateful to have found Janet Quinlan’s membership program and podcast.
Her gentle but clear manner coupled with her sage advice and wisdom is a perfect combination for any mom looking to grow as a wife, mother, and daughter of God.
She offers practical tips alongside just the right attitude and mindset adjustment to help me gain new insights and perspectives. This has come along at just the right time for me! Thanks, Janet!” –Tiffany
“Coaching with Janet has revolutionized my motherhood. She has helped me take the necessary steps to move out of “survival mode” into living the life I envision for my family.
Processing and understanding my thoughts and emotions, simple mindset shifts, goal setting, and practical ways to implement change, I have experienced a radical growth of peace and joy in my daily life.
For the first time since becoming a mom I am caught up on laundry, my home is clean, and most importantly I am a happier mom. I will continue to be blessed by her mentorship and friendship.” –Elizabeth, 32, mom of 5 kids ages 6 & under
“Utilizing the mindset shift tools, parenting tips and self-care advice has given me a newfound freedom to take hold of an individualized plan and proactive approach to motherhood and parenting.
Janet is so genuine and authentic in meeting her clients where they are whichever stage in life you are in.
Janet will help you gain self-respect, self-acceptance, serenity, and sanity amidst the joys and sorrows of your motherhood journey.” —Julie S, Ohio