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For letter outline mentioned in this episode CLICK HERE
Notes From This Episode:
- Do we find that the idea behind the romantic line from a wedding song “I Get to Love You” typically lasts about a week after the wedding?
- Do we look at our spouse and think, “I get to love you”?
Getting to Love Our Husband
- There are conflicts in marriage, we work through different expectations, and we have to perfect the art of communication with our spouse.
- We often go through different stages of love, and we go through them again and again, and there may be times where we think, “I don’t want to love you.”
- We have to choose if, in fact, we are going to continue loving.
- We get to love our spouse when we say “No” to ourselves or when we choose to show up well for them.
Choosing the Thought
- When we choose to think of “getting to love” our husband, our children, and even Our Lord as a privilege, how does it make us feel? Does it remove any resentments we may feel or help us understand them better? Does it make us want to schedule time with God for personal prayer to sit with Him out of gratitude?
- Do we see how critical our thoughts are to everything in our life?
- After all the times we have worked through, “I don’t want to love you” or “I have to love you”, and we choose the thought, “I get to love you”, what a different energy it has!
- It makes us feel grateful and responsible for the gift and vocation God has given us.
Final Thoughts
- Write a letter to your husband and outline the following:
- Dear husband,
I have been meaning to tell you –
I admire you for –
I am thankful for –
I remember when –
You have shown me –
You told me –
I am grateful for –
I love you because –
- Dear husband,