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Notes From This Episode:
Similar Yet Different
- As women and mothers, we each have different personalities, different ways of interacting with the world and our families, different hopes and dreams, and different roads to walk in our motherhood.
- But we all have one thing in common – our Mother’s Heart
- Our Mother’s Heart is constant, our love doesn’t turn on and off
- We love our children from the moment of conception until death – whether our death or theirs
Characteristics of a Mother’s Heart
- We will do almost anything to get our children what they need and always want what is best for them
- Our Mother’s Heart is tender and forgiving, no matter how deeply or often a child might hurt us. A mother is always quick to forgive and forget
- Our Mother’s Heart is total and self-sacrificing. We would do anything for our children
Always Expanding
- Our heart grows as each child grows, and with each new child, a Mother’s Heart loves just as deeply and completely as with the first child
- There is no limit to how many times we can love completely
- “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” – St. Therese of Liseux