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Sign up to join the waitlist for Reimagine Motherhood, my monthly coaching program. I give practical tools and help you make mindset shifts to create the marriage, motherhood, and home you’ve always wanted.
Notes from this Episode:
The Problem
- So many women express negative emotions when they’re talking about their lives.
- Overwhelmed with housework and laundry
- Angry that their husbands don’t help
- Annoyed that their children lack the virtues of obedience and respect
- Frustrated that their children are addicted to games and their pones
- Defeated that they can’t lose weight
- Many are sad that this is their life and disappointed that marriage and motherhood wasn’t what they expected
- For many women, that seems to be the end of the story – they feel stuck and trapped and unfulfilled and often hopeless that things will never truly change.
The Solution
- Your best future is just a thought away.
- You have to WANT it.
- Every goal or dream in our life requires the inner conviction of wanting it.
- We need to want it enough to change when we need to change.
- “Discomfort is the currency of success.” – Brooke Castillo
- We can’t challenge ourselves or rise to our best selves without discomfort.
- We live in a society that is almost pathological about avoiding discomfort.
- Everything must be easy and convenient or calming, or we don’t want it.
- When you want it, you find your focus, and you accept the discomfort to achieve what you want.
What Do You Want?
- Do you want an orderly joy-filled home? Then it will require the discomfort of adopting new habits and routines to create the home life you long for.
- Do you want happy, disciplined children? You will have to suffer the discomfort of being consistent, in saying, what you mean and meaning what you say, and following through when necessary.
- Do you want a warm, loving relationship with your husband? Then you’ll need to embrace what love really means – giving to the point of sacrificing by making him first in your life, encouraging him, uplifting him and being affectionate, and forgiving him 70 times seven times, while not holding onto resentments or bringing up past failings up.
Re-Imagine Motherhood
Thought Downloads
- Take 5 to 10 minutes to write down all your thoughts on a particular subject.
- Sometimes it’s just getting all the spinning thoughts out of your head.
- Sometimes it’s writing down the goals you want to set or your to do’s for the week.
- Writing it all down on paper gets it out of your brain and the allows you to start thinking about it, rather than just spinning it around in your brain.
How a Life Coach Helps
- the life you really want.
- I teach you how to coach yourself, how to find the thoughts that will create the emotions that will fuel the actions to create the results that you want, and how to feel better, and finally how to take the actions you need to create those results.
- I’ll be there as your teacher, your friend, you coach, your sister, and your number one cheerleader.
The Program
- Each month we’ll have a topic theme:
- How to communicate better with your husband
- How to get your children to respond to you
- How to create a cleaning plan that works for you, your home, and your family
- How to teach your child to be generous or patient
- How to make you the master of your feelings rather than the victim
- I teach 3 workshops every month that are 15-30 minutes on one of those subjects, followed by a Q&A.
- There will be PDF workbooks and sheets to accompany the classes to help you apply the concepts to your own life.
- We’ll have three group coaching sessions each month, where you can sign up to be coached, live on the Zoom group
- All calls will be recorded, so if you can’t make one, you can easily access it in your membership portal or via the Reimagine Motherhood Private Podcast feed.