How to Complete Your Goals
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Notes from this episode:

The first reason we don’t complete our goals is that we make them out of emotion and emotion isn’t enough fuel to drive the actions

       Feelings/ Emotions last for 90 seconds – that’s it

So, when we’re expecting enthusiasm, decisiveness, or commitment to get us up at 5 AM to exercise, to say no to the sugar or the alcohol, or to do our daily quick cleaning routines, we’ve blown through the feelings when we first made the goal or commitment

– if we don’t have a strong thought behind feeling that actually generates the feeling, the feeling will fizzle – it won’t be enough fuel to get you moving to take action

Instead of creating a goal or resolution from a feeling, we need to create a thought behind our goal or resolution.

Ask Yourself….

  • What do you want?
  • How do you want your life to look?
  • How do you want to look or feel?

Thoughts that Serve

  • I want a stress-free uncluttered home.
  • I will feel stronger when I work out 3 days a week.
  • I want to be free of body image drama.

Those are all strong thoughts that will create a feeling of enthusiasm, decisiveness, or commitment that will then fuel my actions.

So on the days when it’s cold and dark at 5 AM, I will go back to my thought “I will feel stronger when I work out” and that will bring up the feeling I need to follow through with the actions.

Do you see?  Feelings are part of the process, but we have become a culture that only relies on feelings – we don’t think anymore.  We act or don’t act depending on how we feel taking our conscious thought brain out of the equation.

No wonder people are anxious or stressed.

They have forgotten how to use their brain and they simply rely on feelings.

By the way, this is also an important part of parenting.

Not giving in or letting our children give in to the quick feelings, but teaching them how to approach a situation using their developing, maturing thought processes.

Reason #2 Why You Don’t Complete Your Goal

We are not prepared for obstacles so we don’t overcome them

We don’t have strategies or skills

We ask people how did you do something?  How did you lose weight?

       No sugar, gluten free, Whole 30, WW

We think that if we could just get the secret we’d have instant results.

But obstacles come along.  And if we’re not prepared for them, we won’t respond in a way that serves us.

As you prepare your goals or maybe restart the resolutions that you have already thrown out the window, write down a list of obstacles you think you’ll encounter.  Then for each obstacle, write down the strategy or skill you need to develop in order to overcome that obstacle.

Each obstacle turns into a strategy.

Michael and I are giving up processed sugar. 

An obstacle would be ice cream in the freezer or the popcorn/oil/sugar in the pantry that quickly becomes amazing warm kettle corn on a Saturday night.

We eliminate those items from our home so that when we jonesing for some sugar, it isn’t readily available.

Think ahead and plan so that you are prepared for obstacles which makes achieving your goal easier.