#brightandcheerfulhome, #cleanhome, #Christianhome, #Catholichome
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Notes from this Episode:


  • We have a profound effect on the whole atmosphere of our home
  • It is one of our biggest jobs – to create a bright and cheerful home, a sanctuary for our family
  • What does it mean to create a home?  What does it mean to create the physical environment of a home? This is not simply Pinterest-worthy décor!
  • A home should be a place where each person (adults and children alike) know that they are respected, accepted, and loved for who they are
  • Our home should be a shelter from a world that tries to impose values on us that are not our own

How to Create the Physical Environment of the Home

  • Make sure your home is physically safe and conducive to stress-free living and a place where babies and toddlers are allowed to explore
    • If we have too much stuff or if our furniture and accessories are expensive, we’ll either be frustrated that our children are ruining our beautiful things or we’ll constantly be telling them “No touch”
    • We want our children to live in a place where they are comfortable and can explore
  • The home should be simple but soothing
    • Create an environment that brings peace and comfort and a sense of beauty
  • Avoid clutter in the home
    • A lot of stuff around the house just makes for disorder and stress.
  • Be vigilant about human interaction and limiting screen time
    • When children isolate themselves while on the screens, it can cause disrespect and disconnection
    • They don’t interact and they don’t learn the skills of being with other people in their home, and so they are easily annoyed and learn bad habits of how to interact with others
  • Keep order in your home
    • Teach the children a set routine for the day
    • Delegate the chores around the house – even to the little ones
    • Don’t be the mom that loves her kids so much that she does everything for them – doing so does not teach our children to be independent, self-sufficient adults

Final Thoughts

  • As you are creating your home, look first at the physical space: make sure it is beautiful, orderly, and centered on human interaction
  • You home is where you will laugh and cry together, where you will make memories and where you will teach your faith and values
  • Your home is where you will grow your family and watch your children do their firsts and where you may have some serious sorrows and disappointments, so make sure it is a space that will help you create happy  and tender memories, a place where all feel connected, secured, and loved