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Notes From This Episode:
- When you get stuck, it feels like you rinse and repeat – the same thing over and over again – and there isn’t a joy about your day.
- Maybe we begin to feel as if it will never get better, and we will always be in the same stuck state.
What Makes you Feel Stuck?
- Sometimes it is our thoughts which keep us stuck because they become our beliefs.
- If we focus on the thought long enough, it will grow in to a belief that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- For example, when you focus on the thought, “My husband will never be the man I want him to be”, then you will always find the ways in which he isn’t, and you will ignore the ways he is.
- Other times, it is our emotions, our feelings that keep us stuck.
- We can feel angry, overwhelmed, sad, or unfulfilled, and rather than finding out why we feel that way, what we are thinking, we just feel it and stew in it. We make no effort to find the trigger and get out of the emotion.
- We can either hold on to the emotion and create the belief that it will never be better, or we can choose to figure out how to make it better.
- We may also feel stuck because of our actions.
- We do the same thing that isn’t working over and over again expecting different results.
The Solution
- Instead of focusing on what makes us stuck or feel stuck, we need to focus on what our big picture goal is for our family.
- Becoming intentional with our thoughts, emotions, and our actions will “unstuck” us.
- How are you giving to your family? Is it from a place of love, nurturing, respect, connection, joy, happiness, positivity, or is it resentful, angry, and disconnected?
Final Thoughts
- Focus on nurturing, focus on giving from a place of joy and love.
- When you want to get unstuck, the first thing to remember is that change always begins with us, and as we change, so will our husband and our children because they will respond to the positivity and joy that we are bringing to our family.
- Figure out what you want your result to be in your life. Then take massive action to create that result from the emotion that will encourage and nurture, not only you, but everybody else in your family.