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Notes from this Episode
- “Don’t let your life be sterile. Be useful….Blaze a trail…Shine forth with the torch of your faith and your love” – St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, Point #1
- You may think to yourself, “I am just a mom who stays home with the kids. How can I be useful? How can I blaze a trail?”
How are We Useful in Our Daily Living
- We are useful in the way we love and care for our husband and children; when we create a home or if we work outside the home; when we contribute to society or develop friendships and share good experiences with others, we are useful.
How are We Useful to God?
- We are useful to God by doing all the things of our daily life with a small tweak – doing it all for the glory of God.
- Use your actions and demeanor as a kind of selling point to others to seek greater unity with Jesus Christ.
- Accept God’s Will, even in the face of adversity – take up your cross and follow Him.
- Sometimes we look for the large crosses, but He is also calling you to carry all the little crosses of each day.
- Be useful to God in each day in the way He asks.
- We are useful to God when we fall deeper and deeper in love with Him, because then we can love others better.
- Imagine if every day you loved your husband and children as God loves them? How would that change how you show up for them? How would that change who you are and your desire to be more aligned with Christ?
- Sometimes we look for the large crosses, but He is also calling you to carry all the little crosses of each day.
What Do We Need in Order to Blaze a Trail?
- We need a light, and the light is prayer.
- Whether we are dealing with big crises in our lives or just the day-in and day-out of our vocation, we need to have authority over our thoughts.
- Choose thoughts that challenge you to be a better woman and to love better.
- Practice the art of choosing to trust God and look for evidence of it, then live from intentional thinking and do not give in to the emotion of fear.
Two Helpful Phrases
- “Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46
- Learn how to be still and know that God will take care of you.
- “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” – St. Augustine
- Feel the peace of resting in God.
Final Thoughts
- As a wife and mother, we live to serve and to love. We embrace life and serve the people God has placed in our lives with love.
- Embracing God’s call to be a wife who loves her husband in good times and bad, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health is a great thing because of the small sacrifices it takes.
- A mother who cares for her children day-in and day-out, who is patient and kind, even when she doesn’t feel like it, is doing a great thing because of those small sacrifices of love.
- Living this calling, this vocation of wife and mother may not be great in the eyes of the world, but see how living it makes our life anything but sterile.