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Notes From This Episode:
Embrace Your Mission of Wife and Mother
- What is God asking of you today? How will you accept and embrace His mission for you?
- Where will you have to say “no” to your will in order to embrace God’s Will today?
Offer Up Your Day
- As soon as you get up, dedicate your day to God.
- Offer your prayers, your work, all the joys and sufferings of your day and let them all be prayer and give you purpose for your life.
- Make your day matter.
Morning Prayer
- Commit to at least fifteen to twenty minutes of prayer each day.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit with God and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see what God wants you to know.
- When you put God first, when you give Him His time first, He will give you the time for everything else that you need to get done.
Work with a Spirit of Service and Joy
- You can either work with a crabby attitude or with a spirit of service.
- Throughout your day, serve those around you with a smile and a spirit of generosity.
- Sanctify your work – offer what you are doing with a joyful servant’s heart and give it back to God as a prayer.
Read the Gospel
- All we really need to know about life and how to love others is in the Gospels, in the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, but we can’t know it if we don’t read it.
- Examine Your Day and Make Resolutions for Tomorrow
- Spend three to five minutes checking in with God.
- What have I done well? Where have I failed? What can I do better tomorrow?
Children and Love for Mass
- Teach your children that their faith is not about rules, but rather relationships – relationship with the Holy Trinity and Mary and Joseph.
- It is hard for children to have a relationship with someone they do not see, so bring in the Gospel readings to help them get to know Jesus.
- You make the decision about what is good and necessary in the life of your children. They can choose their own path when they live on their own.
- If your children depend on you for everything, and if they trust you to give them all good things, then they have to trust you that a life of faith is a good and important thing.
- Have a relationship of confidence and trust with your children.
Final Thoughts
- Pray for your children every day.
- Pray that they Holy Spirit will keep them safe from all the evil out in the world, and pray that as a parent you will have the grace and the wisdom to really give your children the goodness of the faith.