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Notes from this Episode:
The Problem
- For most of our life, we believe that our results are completely within our control. We think our actions create our results.
- But when it comes to our marriage, our children’s behavior, or the state of cleanliness of our home, we think it’s out of our control – we detach from our results. These results are just the facts of life, and we just can’t change the way we are.
The Solution
- The truth is, the results we have in our life come from what we believe, our thoughts.
- Now we can feel some control in the results we create!
Changing our Thoughts Regarding the Will of our Children
- If you are committed to the “notion” that your children are just strong-willed, then you’ll never give yourself the space or the opportunity to challenge that you’ve created that result.
- Your children are undisciplined and don’t obey because you don’t think you have any control over them and you give up.
- Almost everyone thinks their children are strong-willed, but why is it, then, that there are children who are strong-willed but are respectful and disciplined?
- You are doing your children a disservice by letting them just “be strong-willed”
- As parents, our will needs to be the guiding force, not theirs.
- If you’re not willing to think outside the box and figure out how you can assist your child, then you’re never going to have the results you want.
- Remember, we create the results we want by what we think!
Reimagine Motherhood Monthly Coaching Group
- Would you like to finally get control of your home management system? Are your children growing in virtue, self-discipline, self-esteem, and faith? Are you finding the answers and hearing encouragement you need to create that bright and cheerful home?
- Reimagine Motherhood is a monthly coaching program, designed to help you discover the tools you need while being coached through the how – the process of creating the results you want.
- Each month focuses on one of four pillars – marriage, motherhood/parenting, home management, and authentic self-care.
- Each month has four weekly workshops followed by time for Q&As.
- Twice a month, the workshop is followed by an opportunity to receive coaching in front of the group.
- This portion is completely optional, but it provides you the opportunity to be coached to the results you want on a specific topic of your choice, while giving the rest of the members a chance to watch the coaching and then apply what they heard to their own situations.
- We all share very similar issues and concerns!
- All weekly workshops are completed on Zoom and can either be attended live, or you can watch the recording of the workshop at a later time that works better for your schedule.