Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say
When we keep our word:
- We gain confidence, self-esteem and self respect
- Competence as a wife, mother and friend
- We like who we are and how we show up in the world
- We can trust ourselves and be trusted
When we don’t keep our word:
- We feel like losers
- We think we’re incapable
- We judge ourselves as not having the gifts or talents
- We perpetuate the negative judgements about ourselves
- That we’re incapable
- Unreliable
- Undependable – we can’t be trusted and we don’t trust ourselves
So many women put themselves down and last and speak to themselves in ways they would never speak to another woman.
And we beat ourselves up over and over again.
Treat yourself honorably
You are a child of God – wonderfully made – honor the creation of you by being honorable to yourself.
The Importance of Keeping Your Word to Yourself
If you say you’re going to do something, do it.
Don’t distract yourself with scrolling, Netflix, over-indulging in personal distractions, shopping, drinking or
Keep your word as a mother – when you found out you were pregnant, all the wonderful images of motherhood stretched out before you in your mind’s eye.
If you say you’re going to do something, do it.
Don’t distract yourself with scrolling, Netflix, over-indulging in personal distractions, shopping, drinking or
Keep your word as a mother – when you found out you were pregnant, all the wonderful images of motherhood stretched out before you in your mind’s eye.
And then the baby is born, and it becomes hard.
And little by little we allow our comfort seeking self to pull away bit by bit from our children.
Every woman has to deal with this – you aren’t flawed or special because it is your battle.
It is the battle of the brain.
Our brain wants to be comfortable and sometimes – maybe even often – raising children is uncomfortable and hard.
Do we give in to our comfort seeking brain which keeps us from keeping our word to be that “show up, loving, mother” we long to be?
Sometimes..we do.
But whatever we repeatedly do our brain will expect.
So, perfection is not the name of the game.
Here’s How You Get Your Children to Listen to You
So many parents don’t keep their word to their children by basically giving up parenting them.
They let the children dictate the terms of the home or what they will or won’t do.
You are the adult. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be the leader of your children.
Keep your word to BE the parent.
So many people ask me, “How do I get my children to listen to me?”
The key to getting your children to listen to you is to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Keep your word to them and to yourself.
Follow through with consequences AND with promises.
If you tell them they can have 30 minutes on a gaming system and they stay on for 1 hr., then they lose the privilege of playing for a certain amount of days.
Pizza night
You’ll have far fewer consequences or bad behavior to address once your children know that you are the boss, that you will raise them with love and respect, and that you will do what you need to do to help them become happy, virtuous adults.
The Importance of Keeping Your Word to Your Husband
Be the woman he married.
Keep your word and your vows to him.
“I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.”
Being aware that if you repeatedly don’t honor your word to yourself tells your brain that you can’t be trusted will help you understand how important keeping your word really is.
Showing up in all areas of your life and keeping your word to yourself and to those around you is the first step in actually becoming the woman you want to be.